Module Themes
Menu Options
Menu Styles
Granular Styling
Google Translator
Fast-Track design & development with enterprise functionality in just a few clicks
Customize the font, size, foreground and background colors of each individual component including header, menu (root items, sub menus, active menus, headings, mobile menu, vertical menu, mega menu), body, headings, paragraphs, and links (visited, hover, active)
Styles for success, info, warning, and error messages.
We are extermely happy to announce our first admin. We dedicated a lot of effort to bring you tons of features, easily customization for an accessible price! Do you still have any doubts that this is the best choice?
Yes, it's the best choiceNot convinced yet
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<div class="alert alert-default"><strong>Well done!</strong> You are using a awesome theme! <a class="alert-link">Say Hi to Porto </a>.</div> <div class="alert alert-success"><strong>Well done!</strong> You are using a awesome theme! <a class="alert-link">Say Hi to Porto </a>.</div> <div class="alert alert-info"><strong>Need any help?!</strong> We are glad <a class="alert-link">to help you</a>, if you need.</div> <div class="alert alert-warning"><strong>We must tell you!</strong> This theme is made with love by the <a class="alert-link">Mandeeps team</a>.</div> <div class="alert alert-danger"><strong>Oh snap!</strong> Are you using other theme? <a class="alert-link">Buy Porto now</a> and make your customers a lot happier.</div> <div class="alert alert-dark"><strong>Well done!</strong> You are using a awesome theme! <a class="alert-link">Say Hi to Porto </a>.</div> <div class="alert alert-info fade in nomargin"> <h4>Announcement!</h4> <p>We are extermely happy to announce our first admin. We dedicated a lot of effort to bring you tons of features, easily customization for an accessible price! Do you still have any doubts that this is the best choice?</p> <p><button class="btn btn-info mt-xs mb-xs mr-xs" type="button">Yes, it's the best choice</button><button class="btn btn-default mt-xs mb-xs" type="button">Not convinced yet</button></p> </div>
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<div class="alert alert-primary"> <strong>Well done!</strong> You are using a awesome theme! <a class="alert-link">Say Hi to Porto </a>. </div> <div class="alert alert-secondary"> <strong>Well done!</strong> You are using a awesome theme! <a class="alert-link">Say Hi to Porto </a>. </div> <div class="alert alert-tertiary"> <strong>Well done!</strong> You are using a awesome theme! <a class="alert-link">Say Hi to Porto </a>. </div> <div class="alert alert-quaternary"> <strong>Well done!</strong> You are using a awesome theme! <a class="alert-link">Say Hi to Porto </a>. </div>
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<div class="alert alert-success"> <strong><em class="fas fa-thumbs-up"></em> Well done!</strong> You successfully read this important alert message. </div>
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<div class="alert alert-info alert-sm"> <strong>Heads up!</strong> This alert needs your attention, but it's not super important. </div> <div class="alert alert-info"> <strong>Heads up!</strong> This alert needs your attention, but it's not super important. </div> <div class="alert alert-info alert-lg"> <strong>Heads up!</strong> This alert needs your attention, but it's not super important. </div>
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<div class="alert alert-danger alert-dismissible" role="alert"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">×</span></button> <strong><em class="fas fa-warning"></em>Oh snap!</strong> Change a few things up and try submitting again. <ul> <li>Inform your username.</li> <li>Inform your password.</li> </ul> </div>